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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Battling the Google gods

 I'm officially at war. Bring out the tanks, call in the air strike. I'm on a one-man crusade to crush the Google god... yes, the mighty King of the Search Engines and I are at odds. Not that the Internet "go to" site cares. My raging against that machine is similar to shooting a rubber band at an Apache helicopter.
 But, doggone it, Google has vomited political  propaganda once too many times, in my opinion. The search engine king is an abject liberal cesspool.
 Let me explain.
 The Google guys are always throwing it special graphics on the Google logo for special occasions, like King Tut's birthday or Ghandi's first haircut... you know, the really "important" dates in history. (Can you see my eyes rolling back in disgust?)
Then comes today, December 7, a "date that shall live in infamy," according to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1941.
 But, oh, heavens, no! There is no Google reference to the carnage inflicted on American troops by Japanese forces in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 69 years ago. No, the standard Google flag flies today. Nothing about Pearl Harbor. They're too busy at Google getting ready for the annual "Celebrate pink wig wearing day" or some such rot.
 The folks at Bing, another up and coming search engine, actually know what day it is. They have a reverent photo of the Pearl Harbor memorial, repleat with the oil oozing up from the sunken USS Arizona.
I visited that site in Hawaii. It is a sobering experience. It brought tears. An overwhelming sense of  dismay at the dastardly deviant deeds of the Evil Empire of Japan are evoked there. You can almost hear the cries of the trapped men as they perished in their death locker under the water.
 By the way, there were a LOT of Japanese tourists there at Pearl Harbor, clicking away with their Nikons and chattering in Japanese. Eerie.
 So, Google gods and goddesses, look out. Consider this the first shot fired in the quest for freedom and patriotism aimed at you, the "ignore-er" of importance and relevance.
 I won't use you for another search... (at least until the next time I have to "google" something, but only because it sounds more kosher than "binging" something or "yahooing" something...) Oh, I'm so weak! Aaagh!
Seconds before the attack...
Unsuspecting Google executive getting a dose of my handgun weilding fury...

1 comment:

  1. Google giants rule the Internet. Sadly, it's a monarchy we can't topple...yet. I wonder what the next "google" will be? (Let me "google" it and find out...)
