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Monday, December 20, 2010

Psst! Hey you!

 I was sitting at Panera Bread, minding my own business, conducting  business, when I heard it. I looked around to see who was talking. No one in the crowded dining area seemed to notice. Maybe it was just me.
 There it was again! Barely above a whisper, beckoning just to me and only me. "Psst!" the whisper said. "Hey you! Over here!"
 I looked at the page on my computer. Same familiar page, but something behind it wanted more. Something, or someone, was urging me to peek beyond where I needed to go. To look at something I shouldn't.
 My heart raced. My mind flashed ideas in my head. Maybe I could get away with a little preview of paradise...
 Wait a minute! Hold on... now, I am in full alert. I recognize that little voice. It's the voice of Deception. I've heard it before. Oh, I used to fall for it hook, line and sinker. I would salivate at that little voice of Deception, eagerly drooling over its naughty list of "forbiddens"...

And now, I blog about it. Because that is one of many ways to overcome the enemy. The voice of Deception holds no more power than I give it.
 And the same is true of you, oh reader. If the voice of Deception creeps into your subconscious, confront it. Make a public display. Shine the light in it's beady little eyes. Deception can't stand the light!
 I stand on the light of God's Word. I stand on the truth that Satan was ultimately defeated at the Cross of Christ and that I don't have to live in bondage to sin.
I am already free; therefore, I don't need to enslave myself to detrimental little voices of Deception.
 Go away, Deceiver dude. I'm no longer available.

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