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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who's Millard Fillmore?

I'm big on history. I suppose that rubs off on my kids. Routine mealtime conversations at our house center on a game called "Name the presidents." One of my three oldest boys will start (They are 12, 10, and 7) and we will continue around the table, the four of us, naming the U.S. presidents, by first, last, and often middle name, in order. My 7 year old is learning. The rest of us know them well (I'll admit, my 12-year-old knows them better than I do!)
This passion for the past paid off in spades a few days ago. My son was sitting in his rural public school classroom, which is new territory for him since he's been home schooled his entire life. Having a traditional classroom is taking some adjusting, and his grades aren't the best because his study habits don't follow the formula.
However, his knowledge of the 44 guys at the helm of the government is impeccable. So here comes the golden moment of truth. My son has an out of town engagement and will be gone the last two school days of the week. He asks what assignments he will need to keep up with.
The Civics teacher says, "We'll be having a quiz on the U.S. Presidents. You have to be able to name all of them in order. It's due on Friday."
Without missing a beat, my son asks, "Can I take the quiz right now?"
The teacher hesitates, wondering if there is a catch somewhere. "Go for it," he challenges. Then, under his breath, the teacher says, "But you'll never get it."
So, my boy begins with George Washington, then goes on to John Adams, Thomas Jefferson... he continues, and by now, the entire class is following along in their textbooks to catch him in an error. But my son marches on with his recitation, confidently reciting first, last, and sometimes middle names of the presidents in order.
When he gets to "Barack Obama" the class erupts in amazed exclaimations. The teacher shakes his head again and again in astonishment.
He gets an A on the quiz and scores another point for home school dad and the Union.

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