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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Alpha Male

 I came across something on an Internet ad about "save your marriage."
 That's been my theme for a year and change, so I clicked on it. Each page of the ad lured me in. Some guy who authored some material on saving marriages, from a guy's perspective. It made sense. I read the words on the screen with him, nodding in agreement.
Okay, okay, now for the catch. How much is he trying to sell his marriage salvation material for?

Hmmm. $197. Not bad. Worth a try, especially if what he says works. Money back guarantee. Okay...

Bought it. Read it. Riveting stuff, though simple. Good testimonials. I think I have hope again. Basically, the idea is to re-capture the attraction your wife once had for you by not being a wimp. Standing up to her and then loving her brains out when she complies. The author says its the kind of man the romance novels epitomize.
So, be that guy. Be the Alpha Male she wants to lead her and protect her and the children.
The weird thing is, the woman always tests the man to see if he is Alpha material. She tries to "beta-ize" him and make him subservient to her. He usually becomes beta-ized because he's tired of the drama she dishes out.
But ultimately, her desire for him dwindles if she successfully beta-izes him. She wants an Alpha who will stand up to her.
I get tested the very next day after reading up on it. My wife is on the phone, ragging me out about something she wants me to comply with.
I don't react (per the book).
I state my case and leave it at that.
She calls the cops.
The cop doesn't know why he's there. "I got a call," he says. I show him my ID. I really am the poor sap who's wife called to have him removed from her property.
He leaves. I leave.
I feel good about standing up to her. If this is how to win her back, it's gonna take awhile, but at least I have my dignity.

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