My son was "bushwhacked" by a band of Confederates last Monday morning. It was "wear a cap" day at school, so my son wore one of my old Yankee blue Civil War caps issued from my days as a server at "Dixie Stampede" dinner show in Branson, where the audience participates in a good-natured North/South rivalry.
But my son's North/South clash was more reminiscent of the "real deal" Civil War. At least, that's what his seventh grade mind imagined as his rural Southern classmates pummeled him for wearing the blue instead of the gray.
That's one of the intrigues of living in the "Show Me" state. We were one of the neutral states during the Civil War, but because we didn't declare loyalties, division and controversy still smolder 145 years after the conclusion of that bloody war.
Unfortunately for my 12-year-old, 145 years apparently wasn't long enough. But, as in the end to any conflict, there is resolution.
On Tuesday, the day after the skirmish, the Rebels had to holler "Uncle!" The principal had gotten wind of the ambush and sent the lead man to ISS (In School Suspension).
The other Confederate loyals swore to cease and desist.
But what makes the icing on the cake for this ol'd dad is what my son did, with a touch of humor. He drew an American flag next to a Confederate flag and drew a stick figure with his name above it. He drew stick figures under the Confederate flag with the other boys's names.
Above the picture was a call for a truce between North and South.
Each boy signed, some reluctantly, some willingly, under the truce below their respective flag. My son was the only name on the side of the North. But he'd won, at least, until the next battle life hands junior highers...
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